Repayment Difficulties

If you are experiencing difficulty repaying your loan, or believe you may in the future, please phone 01 286 2624 / 0404 69 380 or email

We understand that life can sometimes take an unexpected turn. When this happens, we are here to help you. We have private meeting rooms available to allow you discuss these issues in confidence with our dedicated team.

The earlier you contact us the sooner we can start to rebuild a path and help you move forward.

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If you are experiencing difficulty repaying your loan, or believe you may in the future, please:

The Regulation Piece

All credit union loans are registered with the Central Credit Register. Arrears on your loan will affect your future ability to access credit with the credit union and all other financial institutions. For further information visit:

NOTICE: Under the Credit Reporting Act 2013 lenders are required to provide personal and credit information for credit applications and credit agreements of €500 and above to the Central Credit Register.

This information will be held on the Central Credit Register and may be used by other lenders when making decisions on your credit applications.

WARNING: if you do not meet your repayments on your credit agreement, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating which may limit your ability to access credit in the future.

WARNING: Your home is at risk if you do not keep up payments on a mortgage or any other loan secured on it.